Avenged Sevenfold en Chile: rabiosa energía - RockNvivo.com Avenged Sevenfold en Chile: rabiosa energía - RockNvivo.com Avenged Sevenfold en Chile: rabiosa energía - RockNvivo.com

Avenged Sevenfold en Chile: rabiosa energía

Comments (15)
  1. valentina dice:

    Quiero tercera vez </3 no he tenido oportunidad de ir a ninguno, por la mierda.

  2. Capitan Jacob dice:

    Porfavor que haya una tercera vez

  3. Claudia Zapata dice:

    El concierto estuvo desquiciante, el sonido fue perfecto y la energía desbordante. Siempre quedaremos con gusto a poco porque A7X hace canciones excelentesy nos gustaría escucharlas todas en vivo. Y como siempre felicito a Javier por sus excelentes fotografías.

  4. Hurricane dice:

    wow! miren:
    Nightmare / Critical Acclaim / Beast and the Harlot / Afterlife / God Hates Us

    a7x rulz

  5. bernardo dice:

    lo que pediamos era seize the day, pero quede loko con A Little Piece of Heaven

  6. José Miguel Quezada Vega dice:

    exelente concierto!!
    gracias rockNvivo or regalarme la entrada :)

  7. djfkdj dice:

    lol amy wtf, the concert was just fucking awesome, i was there, it was sick, and this review says the same, u must get a bit of practice in your spanish :P- the end ‘gusto a poco’ means they played too little for all they’ve got, we want MOAAR MOFOCKER! 90 minutes is just not enough

  8. Hurricane dice:

    un video de Nightmare! 1er tema de la noche
    Grande Avenged Sevenfold

  9. zerlek dice:

    Buen concierto!

  10. asd dice:

    amy, i’m not sure if you understand spanish very well, but i think you’re a little confused :S, in no moment the review say something bad about the band…

  11. amy dice:

    how can you seriously leave those a bad review? after EVERYTHING they’ve been through. it’s not asif they’re gonna play loads of songs that jimmy took part in cause it must be hard for them to do it without him, simply because he wasn’t just their drummer, he was their bestfriend, the reason they formed was to just make music with their BESTFRIENDS. so have a little emotion for christs sake. oh and everybody that i know that’s been to any of these shows have loved it. and they’re continuing to sell out. so if it was as bad as you make it sound, they wouldn’t have thousands of dedicated fans there everynight would they.